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AREV, FARM EUROPE and the Coopératives Viticoles Françaises, in collaboration with ITER VITIS and RESVINS, are organising the first EUROPEAN WINE DAY on 27 October in Toulouse.
Toulouse, which has been designated European City of Wine in 2023, is the ideal place to welcome representatives of the European institutions, the regions of Europe and the Member States, the wine sector and academia, to discuss the major challenges facing the wine sector.
Wine is "THE SOUL OF EUROPE", the symbol of European civilisation and an extraordinary resource for European territories.
Yet the challenges facing the wine world are many: the economic crisis, increasingly sustainable viticultural practices, changing consumer trends, health claims and regulatory restrictions.  
The debates on this full-day devoted to European wine will be organised around three panels focusing on three areas that are crucial to understanding the wine sector, its challenges and its potential: societal, agricultural and economic aspects.
FIRST PANEL: Viticulture, between constraints and solutions. 
Viticulture is facing the effects of climate change, with an increase in drought and extreme weather phenomena that are worsening the risk of plant diseases and reducing productivity. At the same time, the European Union is proposing, through new regulations, to drastically reduce the use of plant protection products. How can the European wine sector play a part in these developments? Is a synthesis of environmental, economic and social considerations possible, or is it just a utopian dream? What paths should we take, and what tools should we use?  What prospects are offered by precision farming, digitisation and New Genomic Techniques?
SECOND PANEL - Societal perception: wine deserves better than a battleground.
Wine is a central part of European history and culture, but societal perceptions are changing: there is a greater emphasis on quality and a greater awareness of the health aspects of food. To reflect this, wine labelling is also changing: energy and ingredient claims will soon appear on the label (both physical and dematerialised), and health warnings are the subject of much debate. Does the health of Europeans require a new relationship with wine, a renewed information and education policy, or - as some suggest - a hygienist approach? 
THIRD PANEL European and world markets: driving or being driven by change? 
To anticipate changes in consumption and production, it is important to understand the dynamics underway on the European and world markets, with import and export flows constantly changing, both in terms of quantity and value. 
What will be produced tomorrow for what type of consumption?  How is consumption changing, not just in terms of quantity but also in terms of the type of product on offer? Is there just one type of wine being consumed, or are there many? Are red wines destined to decline? Organic wines, sustainable wines, low-alcohol wines, alcohol-free wines... what does the future hold?
They have already confirmed their participation:
Carole Delga, President of the Occitanie Region ;  
Emiliano García-Page Sánchez, President of Castilla la Mancha and President of AREV; 
Members of the European Parliament : 
- Iréne Tolleret, (Renew Europe) 
- Anne Sander (EPP) 
- Juan Ignacio Zoido Alvarez (EPP) 
- Paolo De Castro (S&D) 
Louis Teissedre, Professor - University of Bordeaux ;
Luca Rigotti, Chairman of the wine group Copa Cogeca & Chairman of the wine sector of the Alliance of Italian Wine Cooperatives;
Emanuela Panke, President of the Iter Vitis Federation; 
Yves Madre, President of Farm Europe; 
Elli Tsiforou, CEO GAIA; 
Joel Boueilh, Chairman of the French Wine Cooperation and IVSO Co-Chairman ;
Christophe Bou, IVSO Co-Chairman;
Gabriele di Gaspero , Applied Genomics Institute ;
Anastasia Gadolou, Director of Archaeological Sites, Greek Ministry of Culture; 
Gabriele Castelli, FEDERVINI ; 
Ludovic Roux, President of the Vignerons Coopérateurs d'Occitanie and Vice President of the Copa-Cogeca wine group;
Daniel Murphy, international wine trader;
Laurent Delaunay, CEO Badet Clément;
Matilde Poggi, president of the European independent winegrowers